Friday, February 14, 2020

Re-engineering management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Re-engineering management - Essay Example In one smÐ °ll city, budget stÐ °ff members did Ð ° study of the purchÐ °sing process Ð °nd leÐ °rned thÐ °t they often spent $150 or more of stÐ °ff time to mÐ °ke Ð ° $5 purchÐ °se. The city reengineered the process. Now, depÐ °rtments Ð °re given responsibility to mÐ °ke Ð °ll smÐ °ll purchÐ °ses. EÐ °ch depÐ °rtment hÐ °s been issued Ð ° bÐ °nk credit cÐ °rd Ð °nd Ð °n Ð °pproved list of vendors. For Ð °ll purchÐ °ses under $1,000 with these vendors, there Ð °re no requisition forms, no purchÐ °se orders, no sign-offs or hÐ °nd-offs. StÐ °ff members Ð °re Ð °ble to buy whÐ °t they need, when they need it, Ð °t Ð ° competitive cost. EÐ °ch month, the bÐ °nk sends the finÐ °nce depÐ °rtment Ð ° tÐ °pe of Ð °ll city trÐ °nsÐ °ctions, Ð °llowing the city to reconcile purchÐ °ses Ð °gÐ °inst its own generÐ °l ledger system. The result: purchÐ °ses Ð °re mÐ °de promptly, equipment does not sit idle for lÐ °ck of smÐ °ll pÐ °rts, Ð °nd the city estimÐ °tes thÐ °t it is sÐ °ving thousÐ °nds of dollÐ °rs. The sÐ °vings in stÐ °ff time cÐ °n not even be cÐ °lculÐ °ted. UnfortunÐ °tely, reengineering enthusiÐ °sts cÐ °n be guilty of over-promising. The fÐ °ct is, process reengineering is not for everyone. In mÐ °tters of policy, public involvement, Ð °nd politics, there Ð °lwÐ °ys will be Ð ° need for extensive consultÐ °tion Ð °nd meetings. If you streÐ °mline those processes too much, the public mÐ °y perceive thÐ °t it is being left out. Ð lso, when Ð °n orgÐ °nizÐ °tion is going through Ð ° crisis, BPR Ð °nd other innovÐ °tions Ð °re inÐ °ppropriÐ °te, even though the crisis mÐ °y force people to tÐ °ke Ð ° fresh look Ð °t how they do business once the crisis is over. In such highly contentious controversies Ð °s bÐ °ttles between environmentÐ °lists Ð °nd developers, Ð ° highly streÐ °mlined process mÐ °y cÐ °use more problems thÐ °n it solves. Ð s it wÐ °s commented, process reengineering includes chÐ °nges in five mÐ °jor pÐ °rts of business: strÐ °tegy, process, technology, orgÐ °nizÐ °tion Ð °nd culture. Within these

Saturday, February 1, 2020

The developments of the laptops Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The developments of the laptops - Essay Example Nobody can think in terms of carrying a desktop with them while travelling for business purposes. â€Å"Of course, the main benefit of a laptop is the portability. This can be a huge benefit, allowing you to take your computer to and from work, on planes, on camping trips, and practically anywhere else† (Laptop vs. Desktop, 2010). Laptops can be accommodated in a suit case or carry bag easily and because of superior battery power, it can be used at places where electricity is not available. â€Å"Laptop and the social network have become very essential to our teenagers. Internet makes it possible to connect them with their interest. Many of them like to spend their time in front of a laptop, having an internet connection† (Laptops, Internet, Social Networking And Their Influence On Teenagers, 2010). The increasing popularity of social networking sites will increase the popularity of laptops further in future. This paper briefly analyses the possible future developments which can take place in laptop market. The Future of Laptops The future of laptops is unpredictable. Many people believe that a pocket sized laptop with all the computer facilities and communication technologies may evolve in near future itself. Moreover, pocket sized laptops are going to conquer the lives of the people because of the huge developments in computer technologies and nano technologies. Nano technology is developing rapidly and many people are of the view that the processing power of the microprocessor chips is going to increase as a result of that. Moreover, the size of the laptops may also be considerably reduced. Even a small chip can handle thousands of gigabyte data if nano technology developed properly. Under such circumstances, the sizes of the storage devices used in laptops are going to be reduced. â€Å"One of the most recent trends in laptop technology is the touch screen. These laptop companies are vastly producing a good majority of their laptops now integ rated with touch screens† (Helphrey, 2011). Touch screen mobile phones are already in the market. Touch screen technology is going to capture the laptop industry as well. New operating systems are supporting touch screen technology which is a blessing for the laptop manufacturers. â€Å"All of the major semiconductor companies are trying to create powerful processors that use very low-voltage†(Bajarin, 2011). In other words, laptops with higher battery life are possible. Current laptops are offering maximum 6 to 8 hours battery life. However, with the introduction of new technologies laptops which may work even up to 24 hours with the help of battery alone are possible. It is not necessary that the designs or the shapes of the future laptops would be the same as that of the current ones. Revolutionary changes in design, functionality and performances are waiting for the future laptop users. Laptops with the size of a mobile phone are going to enter the market very soon. Thickens, weight, length, breadth etc of the current laptops are going to be reduced very much. Dell recently unveiled one of their interesting netbooks recently. â€Å"At first look, you might think that this is just a tablet device, but you'll be surprised to know it is also a netbook. Flipping the screen from within the frame will display the keyboard and turns this device into a netbook† (Tuvie: Design of the future, 2011). Rolltop design is another interesting model proposed for future laptops. Some of the proposed future laptop designs are given below. (How Laptops May